Very cool resprite!
Very cool resprite!
The purple one looks like Lilac from Freedom Planet
Wait, she's a mario OC?
nah, I just watch a lot of mario speedruns while I draw so I decided, as a funny thing, to include them in this piece
Looks like Sayu tbh.
They had to do it to 'em
Wait, she's a squirrel?
Then what'll be her reaction to Squirrel Girl? Would they be friends or foes? (Most likely friends, considering it's Squirrel Girl)
You've combined you and abagail for Akira, didn'tcha?
Oh, and I cannot see past the Suzie Hartman (lol)/Hana Song cross with Natalie.
And how you fukin' missed the sans comparison with Bianca is beyond me but eh, you do you IG.
But please, PLEASE, make a comic with these gal's! PLEASE! I NEED THE FLUFF BETWEEN NATALIE AND AKIRA, DO THE THINGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!1111111!!!11!!!!!!!!!1
In my defense, I've had Bianca's design nailed down long before Undertale ever came out. :P
Natalie is heavily influenced by the character "Shizuo Heiwajima" from the show "Durarara!!" Her design is also influenced by a background character in one of K009's web comics. Mainly just the concept of headphones and pigtails on a character.
I never really thought too much about it, but I guess Akira is exactly as you mention. There's always been some loose Abigail influence, but I never really realized how similarly she looks to current day IRL me. I designed her long before I ever dyed/cut my hair. I was just originally going for a design I liked, but I may have subconsciously made an Abby/Erin hybrid, lol.
The forgotten mario characters?
Pixel Artist who uses Banding a lot and a Music Creator who is always experimenting
Age 21, Male
Dupan-Cheng Bakery
Paris, france
Joined on 12/4/17